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Where to Donate Old Photos, Film, and Audio Recordings

I am an artist that is looking for old photos, photo albums, 8mm film, Super 8 film, slides, audio recordings, and handwritten materials. If you have items like these that you’d like to pass along, it’s a great way to recycle/upcycle memontos that may otherwise be lost forever. I’m specifically looking for the following types of items:


  • Family Photos
  • Portraits
  • Polaroid Photos
  • Photographer’s Proofs
  • Continutiy Photographs


  • 35mm Negatives
  • 35mm Slides
  • 8mm Film Reels
  • Super8 Film Reels
  • Medium Format Negatives
  • Medium Format Slides

Home Audio Recordings

  • Cassettes
  • Reel-to-Reel

Handwritten Material

  • Journals
  • Address Books
  • Letters
  • Postcards
  • Drawings

Please contact me below if you’re planning on making a donation so I can provide you with more information about where to send the items.

